Friday, February 12, 2010

February 16 Game Night

We had another fun evening at Cranbrook lodge. It always seems more fun to be playing games when there are others in the room who are studying!

We had eight people in attendance, two Brians, Paul, Dagon, Anthony, Jeff, Anu, and Soren. We started off with Saint Petersburg (a squeaker win for Jeff!) and Caylus Magna Carta (I don't know who won). Saint Pete finished first, so we played a few hands of Falling while waiting for the other game to finish. Then we played a few more hands of Falling with the whole group. Then we switched and played a few rounds of Werewolf. Anthony and Dagon had to leave, so we finished up with a six player game of Himalaya, with a decisive "Brain" victory (not yours truly, I finished next to last -- thanks Paul!).

1 comment:

  1. I'm planning on showing up. Sharing in dinner sounds interesting - what do I need to know or do if I'd like to do that?
