Friday, November 6, 2009

November 11 Gathering

The November 11 gathering was hosted by Dagon, Erica, and Anthony. (Thanks!) Steve, Eric, and Brian were also there.

We had a great time and played Dominion: Intrigue, Bohnanza, and several hands of Pit.

Game on!


  1. Thanks for setting this up.

    In case others show, I'll bring some games that are a bit easier to get into: Boomtown, Ra, Through the Desert, Snow Tails, etc.

  2. My friend Eric will be attending. Left a message for Karen and Sergio but haven't heard back.

  3. I might be a little bit late... I forgot we have 5:00 dinner plans with some friends. See you probably around 6:15-6:30.

  4. I thought the scheduled start time was 6:30. That's when I was planning to be there as well.
