Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 22 Event

Only three of us could make this pre-holiday game night: Steve, Shelly, and Brian. We played a quick game of Circus Flohcati to warm up and then moved on to Endeavor. I'll try to schedule the next event a good interval after the holidays so as to present less of a conflict with people's other commitments. 


  1. I thought I'd bring the following:

    Mission: Red Planet since Eric, Dagon, and Erica played for the first time and all seemed to like it.
    Aladdin's Dragons
    Snow Tails
    Some smaller games, too.

    Any games you'd like me to bring?

  2. Well, it was just Brian, Shelly, and me. Where were you guys?

    Anyways, we started with Circus Flohcati while waiting for others to show. Since they didn't, we played Endeavor. At first it seems overwhelming, then it seems like it's going to last about 30 minutes, and then it gets brain-hurty. I really like how the game restricts the players actions in the beginning, and then through the balancing act of Industry, Culture, Money, and Something (forgot what the card limit is called), the game gets bigger and bigger. Really fun.

    We discussed that it's probably better to wait until January 12 for our next meetup.

  3. Sorry I couldn't make this one. I've been wanting to try Endeavor, too, so I'm glad the group's initial reaction seems positive. Happy New Year everyone!
