Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April 13 Event

Another Cranbrook festival! Food, games, etc. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Games for Sale

As I mentioned, I'm trying to unload some games. Let me know if you're interested in anything. Also, look at my trade wants on bgg (skrebs). I'd certainly be up for trading multiples of mine for one of yours.

Clash of the Gladiators (missing one counter - unlikely to ever affect play)
Canal Mania (game played once, in great shape, but box is kind of crushed)
Carcassonne The Count, The Tower, and The Princess and Dragon (3 expansions!!!)

Oasis (played once)
New England (played once)
Industria (never played, in German, but with English rules)
Doge (unplayed)
Marco Polo (played a few times)
Age of Napoleon (good shape)
Carcassonne: The Castle (the two player version)

Buy Low Sell High (played once)
Acquire (really really old and ugly version but it's a great game)
Hera and Zeus (played a couple of times)
Hare and Tortoise (played a couple of times)

Remember, it's "free postage" and no sales tax to anyone in the group! You can email me, geekmail me, or post right here.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 30 Event

Good times were had. We went for heavier fare than usual, so fewer games got played (Steam, Caylus Magna Carta, Ra, and an introduction to Tichu). A&S provided homemade pizza!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 16 Event

Another successful event at Cranbrook. We had 9 people and played St. Petersberg, Mission: Red Planet, Niagara (x2), Pompeii, No Thanks (x4), and Saboteur.