Sunday, October 31, 2010

November 9 Game Night

Our luck finally ran out at Round Table. Ordinarily we just show up and occupy the long tables in the back room. This time we found that the back room had been reserved for the night. We did our best to find tables out in the main area, but that was packed too. Eventually we sorted things out but, the place was crowded and the table space a bit small for comfort.

That aside, we had a good turn out, with eleven people gaming. Games played included Lost Valley, Vegas Showdown, Pandemic, Rattus, and Hab & Gut. 

Special Session -- October 30

I sent an email out last week suggesting that we might try to schedule some "special sessions" on weekend mornings, outside of our ordinary every-other-Tuesday rotation. The idea was that there are some games that are better with coffee and a fresh brain, than beer and after-work fatigue. My hope was that we might schedule these far enough in advance, with firm RSVPs, to be able to pick a game suited to the number of players and read the rules in advance.

Most folks were already busy this weekend, but Dagon and I were able to get together on 10/30 and play Hammer of the Scots for a few hours. This is exactly what I had in mind, as it gave an opportunity to dig into a game that would be mostly unplayable in the after-work Round Table setting.

Good times! I hope we can have more of these "special sessions." I've got good candidate games for any number from two to six, and hope to get more of them to the table.

Game on!