Wednesday, June 20, 2012

July 3 Game Night

Medium-sized group gathered and gamed. We were Anthony, Brian, Dagon, Erica, Jason, Jeff1, Jeff2, Paul, and Shelly. I spied: Ascending Empires, Infiltration, No Thanks!, San Juan, Scrabble Slam, Skull & Roses, and Tsuro. Game on!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 19 Game Night

Our modest little game group continues to grow in size.

We had TWO Brians, TWO Jens, one of TWO Jeffs, an infant (!), as well as Alice, Anthony, Dagon, Erica, Evan, Jason, Paul, Shelly, and Steve. That's fifteen (not counting the infant).

Games played included:

Cards Against Humanity (x2)
Neue Heimat
Risk Legacy
Sentinals of the Multiverse
and Stone Age

June 5 Game night

Jenn hosted this one, slaving over a hot grill to keep us fed. Newcomers Frank and Jessica attended, along with Brian, Dee, Jason, Jeff, Paul, Romeo, Shelly, and Steve. We played Can't Stop! (by the pool), Neue Heimat (which was new, but not at all homey), Bucket King, and a marathon game of Lords of Waterdeep (which might still be going on). Fun was had.