Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August 28 Game Night

As expected, good times were had. All a Belfort-colored  blur...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Special Session 8/11/12

Steve hosted us for a bonus day of fun. In attendance were Anthony, Brian, Cade(!), Dagon, Erica, and Jason. Games played included Adventurers, Attika, Kingdom Builder, King of Tokyo, and Risk Legacy.

I left early.  If anyone wants to notes games played later, just comment. Thanks.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

August 14 Game Night

First meeting at our revamped digs. We all took our shoes off and slid around on the new floors.

Actually, no, but we should have.

Instead we played: Acquire, For Sale, Ingenious, King of Tokyo (x2?), No Thanks (x2), and San Juan.

"We" were: Brian, Evan, Frank, Jason, Jeff, Jennifer, [Nora, who likes dogs!], Paul, Shelly, and Steve.