Wednesday, September 29, 2010

October 12 Game Night

Good turn out tonight. We had Erica, Dagon, Anthony, Jeff, Brain, Brian, Pete, Rich, and Steve. Plus two newcomers, Joe and Alec. Fun was had.

Game on!


  1. I wonder if Round Table cares that we take over the back area...

    Oh and I think we should rename this website to the "Romeo and Brian Chat Log Holder"

  2. Hey, I've been trying to post but the site kept kicking me out. I finally figured out the Firefox hates this blog and I moved over to Chrome. I will now go back into lurker status as I listen in on Brian and Romeo.

    And Romeo, I used some paypal $ to buy Minecraft. Now I need to figure out what I'm supposed to do as all I've done is chop down a tree and hide in a cave.

  3. Last year, when we were first setting up the group, I think Steve talked to the manager at Round Table and they said they were okay with having us there. If he dares to come out of his cave for a minute, maybe he can confirm this.

  4. hehe minecraft. now press "i" to open up your "crafting box/bench" and create a larger crafting bench. Yes you can just sit in the cave if you like, but then thats boring. Sitting in a cave. i mean I hope you brought board games.

    Google "minecraft crafting" and it will put up a list of all the things that you can create. as well as all the resources needed to create them.

    Just remember that you will need a pickaxe of some type in order to "mine" certain resources. Just going up to a "coal" rock and hitting it to death with your hand will result in the destruction of the rock, but will not yield any coal. Do the same with a pickaxe and you will get coal from it. how do you create a pickaxe? well thats what google is for. :) I had been logging onto public servers just to build stuff (since they give unlimited resources to all the creating of anything). I recently just played the actual game this weekend and found it to be pretty cool. I was mining through a mountain and heard something through the walls.. I went toward it and presto, I came across a room with cool stuff.. as well as scary-ass spiders...

    Don't go out at night unless you have created armor and a sword. Lol I am learning these things as well.

    also with the purchase of a game, we also get the "minecraft" server. which we could in theory set up and we could get on and play the game together...

  5. Hey I just figured out that the Amazing Labrynth game was the one that I had brought.. Mine ( or rather, my friend Stephanie's) was an older version of the same game. coool.

  6. I posted in the Oct 26 thread (?) that I wanted to join, but I just noticed that this board game night is sooner. So I guess its more applicable to post here. If I just need to show up, what time do the games begin?

    Also, Minecraft sounds like Dwarf Fortress in adventure mode with better graphics & multiplayer.

  7. lol thats what a lot of people compare Minecraft to. :) the games normally start around 6:30.
